Your career is rewarding. You enjoy what you do. Sometimes it’s easy to stay motivated. But what do you do when you feel your motivation waning amidst struggles and challenges? How do you remain fired up during the times when a slow market or a sea of stress seem to drain you? Check out these great practices to help you remain motivated no matter what life throws at you!
- Start a Vision Journal
Vision Journals are the next level up from a Vision Board. Not only can you record your dreams and goals, but you can use a vision journal to map out actionable steps to achieve them. You can also go back and track your wins, no matter how small. When you’re struggling with motivation, you can go back to your journal and not only remind yourself of your next steps, but you can take a moment to celebrate what you’ve achieved!
- Think Positive
Never underestimate the power of positive thinking. Ruminate on those goals you’ve conquered, reflect on the things other people love about you, and the things you love about yourself. Speak some positive affirmations to yourself in the mirror, write yourself some sticky notes and put them where you’ll see them often, put them on your phone’s lock screen. Use whatever method that suits you to remind yourself that you’ve got this.
- Learn Something New
A great way to keep yourself motivated is to immerse yourself in learning something new. There’s always something new to learn, or someone new to learn from, no matter how long you’ve been in your industry. Keep your mind and your skills sharp. Having the chance to implement a new strategy or skill keeps things interesting and can kick-start waning motivation.
- Make Self-Care a Regular Practice
Be sure to take some time for yourself. Set some life/work balance boundaries and relax. Do something that you enjoy, unplug from all things work related, be present in the moment. Read a book, see a movie, have a spa day…whatever it is that brings you peace. You’ll be amazed how much easier it will be to stay motivated when you’ve given yourself a break to rest, decompress, and unwind. We’ll talk more about making time for self-care and boundaries in a future post, so be on the lookout!
- Surround Yourself with Encouragers
Find some people to help keep you motivated and talk things over with. Accountability partners are a great way to keep you on track, while you help keep them on track. It’s easier to stay fired up and motivated if you have someone in your corner cheering you on and holding you accountable to the promises you’ve made to yourself. Stay tuned to this blog to find out more about guided accountability from an expert!
These are just a few creative ways help keep you motivated, and positioned to accomplish your goals. Find what works for you and stick to it. Adding healthy habits like these to your daily routine are sure to keep you fired up and stress-free!
Share how you keep yourself motivated in the comments below!