You may think your listing’s floor plan serves only one purpose.
It’s that marketing piece you order because you want as many buyers as possible to get excited about the house online, so they come to see it and make an offer.
Did you know you can use our interactive floor plans AFTER your listing sells, to market yourself and your business?
Last week I shared this idea as one of 3 ways to use your listing to market yourself after it sells.
And the carousel of images is an example of how you can display the 2D Interactive floor plan to show potential sellers something different that YOU offer, which works very well on Instagram.
~as your audience swipes, teach them what they are seeing by highlighting the location on the floor plan, followed by the corresponding photo.

~in your caption, describe what they are seeing in each photo
~tell a story of how a potential buyer feels differently when they see an actual photo in labeled locations. It’s so much easier to feel how the home flows!!
Try this post for one of your previous listings! Show the market everything you do that sets you apart!
Need more ideas? Tutorials? Follow along and let us help you with your video/photo materials AND your business marketing!
You can also get 1-on-1 support for your digital marketing with our Marketing Director, Kati! Click here to connect with her!