Hometown: Kremenchuk, Ukraine. Slava Ukraine!
Favorite style of home: contemporary with low-key staging and it has to smell nice – that photo shoot will stay for long in my memory!
Favorite thing to photograph: bay windows with breathtaking views are my weakness, don’t even as for extra shots: you WILL get them!
Hobbies: I sometimes enjoy cooking, I might even go to a cooking class once in a while!
Pets?? I have a cat, her name is “Cookie”. While sleeping, she curls up into a round cookie and slurps (sweet cookie dreams)
Favorite local place to eat: nothing tastes better to me than a home-cooked meal.
Karaoke – Yes or no? NO, however singing in the shower – YES!
What is the last movie you saw? Batman! I think that “The Big Short” is a must-watch for everyone
What do you listen to in the car? Mostly voicemails from clients with instructions on where to park or what to photograph, sometimes even step-by-step navigation! In those cases, I turn off my GPS and follow the voice!
If you could choose anyone, dead or alive, to be stuck in NOVA traffic with, who would it be? Ronald Hanson. We’d definitely have time to finalize his teleport works and get out of that traffic!
Have you worked with Andrew? Show some love and say “hi” in the comments!