Are you doing the same old marketing that you were pre-pandemic?
On the heels of the hottest market in recent memory, many agents have become complacent. After all, most homes in good condition (and priced well) sold fast no matter what. How amazing was it to just throw a few photos online and watch the offers roll in?
Now however, agents must use more creativity, to sell their listings AND set themselves apart in the market. One-and-done marketing doesn’t cut it anymore, and discerning sellers expect more sophisticated marketing. According to Inman, of all buyers and sellers, 85% want to work with an agent who uses video as part of their marketing efforts.
Don’t get caught by surprise! Invest and differentiate yourself NOW while the shift is still early, and you’ll be ahead of the crowd when the rest of the slower agents decide they should make a shift. No one does high detailed floor plans like we do, our videos are optimized for social media and email marketing, and we even include an unbranded version of videos to appease the MLS!
Try it out! Get a Fall Refresher with your choice of a full-motion teaser video or a high-detail floor plan for ONLY $100! The video will be a great piece to showcase on your next listing appointment!